Skycanner London
Opus Magnum, Ondaretta, Brunner, L.Ercolani, Jott Studio, Modus, Very Good & Proper, Fogia, Expormin

Offering a first-class experience for employees, visitors, and collaborators, Skyscanner’s vibrant new London hub is in lively, busy Soho. With space to grow for the ambitious tech business, the workspace brings teams together and reflects the company’s hybrid working culture.

Fostering a sense of community, knowledge sharing and creativity, the thoughtfully designed spaces encourage interaction. Whether in-person, blended meetings or joining meetings in other areas of the world, the varied environments support all interactions.

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Arrivals Lounge

Stepping into reception employees and visitors are immediately connected to the brand. Skyscanner, a company of travel enthusiasts, has travel embedded in the design with an arrival’s lounge’ inspired welcome.

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Unique Zones

Creating a journey through the space, designers MCM, have continued the travel-inspired theme. Each area is unique, creating distinct but not separate zones’ for quiet work, contemplation, relaxation, collaboration, and activity.

The Tropics

An inclusive place of serenity in a busy office space, a rainforest’ indoor garden brings a sense of calm and well-being. Benefitting from the noise reducing properties of plants, this natural sound barrier is bolstered with other acoustic solutions.

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Edgy and fun, Tokyo’s art scene and neon lighting inspired the games and activity room. An informal breakout space and social area for relaxation and spontaneous meetings.

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Free-flowing and flexible, the Skyscanner workspace brings people together in both formal and informal meetings. Private pods have been added for occasions that require confidentiality or privacy.

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